You Need to Know about Business Taxes

Nov 29, 2023 By Triston Martin

Businesses of different sizes and structures have additional tax burdens. Any commercial property must have property taxes paid on it. It also makes the necessary tax payments on dividends from its business holdings.

Businesses that are organized as sole proprietorships, partnerships, or limited liability companies are exempt from corporate income tax. Instead, business owners must account for the taxes on their tax filings. Small business operators are subject to taxation on their individual and corporate earnings.

It's important to note that only corporations must make tax payments. Unlike individuals, shareholders in businesses are subject to taxation on dividend income but not corporate profits. Since owners must pay income taxes on their salaries from the company they own, this raises the problem of double taxation.

The Tax Reform and Job Creation Act

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into law in December 2017, altered businesses' tax burden and filing procedures. The corporate tax rate, which applies to many large enterprises and other organizations, has been decreased from a maximum of 37 per cent to a flat rate of 21 per cent under the new tax law.

Payroll taxes, at 7.25 per cent of gross compensation, what is the cost for h&r to do my small business taxes? They are the most costly form of taxation for a small business. The amount business owners must pay in taxes is inflated by workers' compensation and unemployment insurance contributions.

While gains on investments held for more than a year are taxed at progressive rates, one estimate places the average tax rate paid by small firms at 19.8 per cent.

Implicit and Marginal Tax Rates

The average tax rate, also known as the effective tax rate, is determined by dividing the total tax due by taxable income and applies to people and businesses. A different approach to tax rates is through the lens of the marginal tax rate, which is the rate at which an individual or a company pays tax for the last dollar they earn.

An LLC is not a taxable entity in the eyes of the Internal Revenue Service. Single-member LLCs are treated the same way for tax purposes as sole proprietorships. The LLC's tax obligations are reported on Schedule C on the owner's tax return. However, an LLC with more than one member is treated like a partnership for tax purposes. Taxes on LLCs are passed on to their owners whether the business generates income.

Tax Return Preparation Fees

Your business, no matter how big or little, must file taxes. Unfortunately, the expense of tax preparation typically comes as a surprise to owners of small businesses. The cost of tax preparation will vary according to the nature, size, and complexity of your business's transactions. To a lesser extent, this is also affected by whether or not the preparation is for quarterly or annual business taxes.

As part of your payroll service, you may be charged for yearly, quarterly, and monthly tax return preparation. While it is possible to outsource every aspect of tax preparation, hiring an accountant or using accounting software to handle at least part of the administrative work is more cost-effective.

Put Money Aside for Taxes Each Quarter

Earned income tax payments are due on or before the due date of your tax return, but the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) prefers to receive them throughout the year as they are made. This typically involves projected tax payments for small business owners.

How much should it cost to do small business taxes that are organized? Any taxpayer anticipating owing $1,000 or more in taxes must submit either 90% of their current year's estimated tax or 100% of their preceding year's estimated tax by April 15. A failure to make scheduled tax payments may result in a penalty. How much does it cost to do business taxes? The specific due dates for quarterly estimated tax payments are April 15, June 15, September 15, and January 15. Check our article, How to Pay Quarterly Taxes, for more details on estimating and making quarterly tax payments.

Consult a Specialist

Doing your taxes could be a viable alternative if they are simple, you are meticulous about keeping records, and you are willing to put in the time to learn the tax code. However, there are several advantages to collaborating with a competent tax expert.

Good accounting involves more than just turning in the necessary paperwork. They offer preventative guidance to help you save money, expand your business, and avoid legal trouble. Although hiring a professional will cost money, the return on that investment will be well worth it.

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